What Is Green Building?

Green Building

What Is Green Building?

Climate change has become a hot topic in recent years, and it’s now more important than ever to reduce our impact on Mother Nature. As individuals, we can work to be more eco-friendly in our everyday lives, from recycling to eating less meat – but going green should start at the foundation.


With an eco-friendly home, you can reduce your carbon footprint without even thinking about it. Bella Homes are eco-luxury and certified green by the Florida Green Building Coalition. We work hard to ensure our homes have minimal impact on the environment – because building green is in our philosophy.


What is green building?

According to the Florida Green Building Coalition, green buildings are designed to efficiently use energy resources, protect occupant health, and reduce degradation of the environment. Green building takes the best construction practices and materials to create homes that are efficient, resilient, and environmentally friendly.


How are Bella Homes eco-friendly?

From the very beginning, every one of our homes is designed to reduce environmental impact and keep homeowners healthy.


During construction, we insulate our homes with spray foam. This is a more efficient form of insulation that provides a better seal, effectively reducing the amount of energy needed to heat and cool the home. Additionally, the materials used to build our homes are of the highest quality, ensuring the home is resilient and structurally sound. A home that’s built to last is better for the environment, as less materials will be needed for replacements and repairs over time.


Our homes are also equipped with the Solaris Whole House Air Purifier, which eliminates bacteria, viruses, germs, and other airborne contaminants with UV light technology. Other air purifiers draw a lot of energy, but the Solaris purifier installs directly into the HVAC system, which utilizes energy-efficient technology. We select green technology across the board to fill our homes, from the Control4 panel to our LED lighting systems.


At Bella Homes, we understand how important it is to reduce our carbon footprint – that’s why we take our membership in the Florida Green Building Coalition seriously. If you’re interested in going green, get in touch with us or check out our available properties today.